Research and development
More than 40 years of expertise, technology and constant improvement!
In order to be constantly updated in a high-tech and continuously evolving sector, EMAC has decided to add a Research and Development division to the sales network. The R&D division is dedicated to identifying and carrying out research projects that are carried out in collaboration with Universities, Research Bodies and with sector opinion leaders. This approach, along with over 40 years of experience in the medical world, has allowed EMAC to develop innovative solutions and always be up to date with the latest news in the medical-scientific world, in order to expertly offer its customers always advanced products.
The projects are developed also through the participation of regional, national and European tenders.
PROTECH – Piattaforma RObotizzata di TEleoperazione per la CHirurgia mininvasiva
2022 - Innovative CARe with home intElligent environMEnts
RECONNECT - ultra pRECise biONic haNd prosthEsis based on spaCe Transmission (more about DIH HERO)
ELVIS - Educational Laparoscopy with Virtual Instructive Simulations and robotics
N-PATH - Nephrology Partnership for Advancing Technology in Healthcare
AGREE - Arm exoskeleton and Grip assistance for REhabilitation and indipEndent living
EHTNA - E-Health E-Health in assistive neuromotor therapy (E-Health nella Terapia Neuromotoria Assistita)
Measuring and training of the hand and bite force (MAMBO - Misurazione e l'Allenamento della forza della Mano e della BOcca)
eLaparo4D - 2.0
TESIAMED - Advanced Medicine Simulation Techniques
ARTE - Design and implementation of an integrated system for EEG analysis during robotic treatment
OPERA - Advanced OPERAting room
eLaparo4D - Study of a "4D" system for laparoscopic interventions simulation
Preliminary study for the development of an advanced simulation center
Advanced simulation center setting up
Design of a physical simulation and/or mixed reality system for operational training in interventional and nephrological clinical practices
Implementation of an E-learning system prototype for the management of medical simulators for operational training
New instrumental methods development for real-time monitoring of the dialysis process progress
Plasma lipoprotein (a) distribution levels in the population and strategies to reduce the risk of coronary events
New tools and products development for simulation centers
LISTEN - Home assistance for heart failure through Advanced Communication Techniques
New water sanitizing systems for extracorporeal dialysis
Development of a telemedicine system for IT home health care
Chemometric modeling of clinical and instrumental data deriving from analysis and medical therapies
Innovative technical solutions for the monitoring and control of the hygienic-sanitary quality of the hospital structures hydraulic systems
Development of an IT system for home health care
Chemometric modeling of clinical and instrumental data deriving from analysis and medical therapies
Development of a water quality monitoring and control system in extracorporeal dialysis systems
Use of ultrasound for the study of the modalities of intake of light-activated drugs